To Girdwood, with love

I woke up today to a very gray, rainy, late spring morning here in south central Alaska. Having just returned home from the UK (blog about that is sure to come at some point), I found myself having a hard time adjusting back to the weather and seasonal status of my home. There's too much snow on the ground for my favorite hikes, the bike path isn't cleared for safe and easy riding yet, and I was JUST wearing sandals and getting sunburned in Scotland (of ALL places) a week ago. My husband noticed my melancholy, and asked me what was wrong. I told him, "I'm not sure... but it feels sort of like Girdwood fatigue." He nodded, and made a comment about how the spring transition can get into his head sometimes, too. I don't know if this type of seasonal upheaval is familiar to you, but to those of us in destination/tourist places, it can really have an effect on you mentally. I used to have a very consistent work schedule year round, so this is the first time I'm truly experiencing this strange shift and let me tell you- this is weird. Once I had some coffee and came back to my desk to work, I knew I needed to do something to spark a little sunshine into my attitude about Girdwood. Which is why I'd like to invite you to join me on a little trip back in time to June 25, 2022.

10 months ago, I woke up to a gorgeously clear, hot, midsummer morning here in south central Alaska. It felt like this little town I called home was buzzing with excitement, but not for the cruise ship busses full of tourists making their way down Alyeska Highway. No, Girdwood was gearing up for a day to celebrate some of our best- our very own Mariel and Ryan. There is hardly any area, restaurant, business, or dog in this town that has not been affected by these two people. Their infectious fun, sacrificial love, and welcoming spirits have led to so many connections that it is truly difficult to find a local here who doesn't know who they are or hasn't been invited into their home. Which is why it's no surprise that they had such a huge wedding party (as you will see!) How many people do you know that could pull that off? They really are THAT loved. Not to mention all of the dogs who now permanently live in Girdwood thanks to their commitment and dedication to fostering rescues and getting them adopted into loving families. I myself have Mariel to thank for fostering a scrappy, little rescue puppy over 4 years ago, who just so happens to be my husband's soulmate pet and my constant work from home companion, Wooddy.

I could continue, but you guys get the picture- these two mean a lot to this community. When they asked me to be a part of documenting their wedding day, I was more than excited. I truly felt honored to be invited into such a special celebration, knowing it would involve so many special people whom I have grown to love and think of as family.

Mariel and Ryan planned a day that felt like a love letter to Girdwood, the place that they fell in love, and the place that they continue to create memories in. They used local vendors, had their ceremony by the river where they walk their dogs every day, and had just about the best party this town saw that summer.

I'll start with a few engagement photos, taken in June of 2021, featuring their sweet Cooper boy, before diving into the beauty of the day that Mr. and Mrs. Ballew kicked off their future.


Wedding Day